BT, Let's Phreak



Greetings, and welcome to the web page that BT tried to ban. Before you proceed you should be aware that some information contained within these pages may offend the more sensitive user (especially if you work for the Security Directorate if BT), if this is likely to be the case then disconnect now! Everything is covered by my Full Disclaimer Notice.

This page was originally written late one night in a small room in London, being somewhat intoxicated I staggered into my room and decided to write a web page, never having even looked at html before, this seemed a reasonably idea. My first page wasn't up to much, but within a day or two I'd managed to piece together enough to put up my page on a server at University College London. After posting the details on I was soon receiving plenty of messages of support, until British Telecom decided to object to the free flow of information about the phone system and complained to UCL who promptly shut the page down. I wasn't about to be beaten though, and promptly returned, courtesy of

Things have gone a long way from those early days, even getting mentioned in an article in Computing Magazine. When I first set up the page I expected only a limited interest, amongst the 'underground' community, however, the page has proved to be far more successfully than I'd expected, currently getting around 1100 hits a week.

The purpose of this page is to promote the fine art of phreaking in the UK. For those of you previously unaware of Phreaking, a Phreak (at least by my definition) is someone who enjoys exploring and learning about the phone system, and the systems associated with it, such as switches, PABX's, voicemail systems etc. Given the lack of UK specific phreaking information I've expanded it slightly to cover computer and telephonic security in general.

I hope you all enjoy this page and find it useful, If anyone thinks this page is worth commenting on (or even flaming :) if you have some links you think should be included or find any of the current links have broken, I can be reached at

Phreaking is not a crime in the UK, although some Phreaks may use their knowledge to commit crimes such as "fraudulent abstraction of electricity" which is the crime most Phreaks who have been arrested are charged with. Obviously I do not condone any criminal activity and strongly discourage anyone from acting outside the law.

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If you've not seen it yet go and check out details of the hackers movie web page hack by ILF at
As MGM/UA appear to prefer the new page for publicity reasons you can probably catch the 'hack' at

File Base - A small collection of Philes related to UK Phreaking

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